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摘 要:《运河古城形象策略初探》一文对运河古城的形象策略进行了研究,主要是从行为识别系统、理念识别系统、视觉识别系统三个方面.其中,行为识别体现运河的历史文化和当代特色,比如乾隆下江南,当代的非物质文化遗产博览会以及大学生创意集市等活动,这些是运河古城的“活名片”.理念识别也独树一帜:台儿庄是我国仅有的二战遗址城市,还有现存最完整的运河风光,这是运河古城宣传的点睛之处.但是,运河古城的视觉识别系统却是欠缺的,没有完整的视觉识别系统,难以构成一个整体的古城印象,所以,在最后,对运河古城的视觉识别系统做了全新设计,以完善运河古城的整体形象,提升在旅游市场中的竞争力和品牌形象.
关键词:运河古城 形象策略 理念识别 行为识别 视觉识别
Abstract: The Exploration of the Image
Strategy of Ancient City with a Canal does researches on the image strategy of
the ancient city with a canal with three aspects consisting of the recognition
system of behavior, the recognition of idea, and the recognition system of
vision. The recognition of behavior shows the historic culture and modern
characteristics of the canal, such as Chiarnlurng's tours to southern part of China, the
contemporary expo of non-material cultural heritages and the university
students' fairs of innovation and so on. Those are "vivid business
card" of the ancient city with a canal. The recognition of idea is unique
too: Tai'erzhuang is the only city with relics of World War II, its most
complete scenery of the canal in modern times is the highlight of extending its
influence. However, there is a lack of the recognition system of vision, it's
hard to construct a whole impression of the ancient city without it. Therefore,
the recognition system of the ancient city with a canal is fully redesigned to
make the whole image perfect and to improve the competitiveness and brand image
in the tourism market.
Keywords: the ancient city with a canal, image strategy, recognition of idea, recognition of behavior, recognition of vision

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