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参考词语:have 朋友:friend
姓名 电话
Rick Smith 286-3276
Lisa Whie 835-7653
4.以"My Birthday Party"为题写短文.8句话
7.以“My Favorite Sport”为题写短文,5句话
提示词“rock band ,musician ,play ,number ,790-4230 ,call Victor
1、I’m Tom, a student in Grade 1.
The same to most of my classmates, I’m 13 years old.
So warm-hearted I am that I get well with all my classmates.
My favourite color is green because it symbolizes an active life.
In addition, eating is one of my best hobbies and I like sushi very much.
I’m keen on playing basketball, too.
I am who I am, a sunny boy
2、I got a bag on the playground yesterday.
If you lost it, please call me as soon as possible.
The telephone is 3856723, and my name is Robert.
3、Rick Smith and Lisa whie are both my good friends.
Rick is a sunny boy and he likes playing basket ball very much.
If you want to make a friend with him, you can dial 286-3276
Lisa is a gifted girl who is good at playing many music instruments
Her telephone is 835-7653
4、Yesterday, I was very happy on my Birthday Party
I invited many friends to celebrate my birthday.
They gave me many things I wanted as presents.
On the party, we played very high.
We danced, sang the birthday song and ate birthday cakes together
So cheerful we were that we nearly forgot the time
The party ended too late and I’m tired.
Despite tiring, I felt that I was the happiest boy because of my good friends
5、My idol is Roger Federer who has made a great effort on sporting world
He is very handsome and his skill on playing tennis is very excellent.
I watch every match he participates in.
It can show his willpower and confidence.
All of good personalities he has is worthy of studying
6、Dear Wei Hua,
I get up at 8:00 everyday.
First of all, I brush my teeth and have a breakfast.
Secondly, at 9:00, I start to do my home work about one hour
Then I have a rest and play the computer for a while.
This is my plan in the morning.
Maybe it is a little boring, but I like this kind of substantial life

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