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Occasionally see a huge rock,the growth of a blade of grass.It is really small,but I felt a powerful force infinite.So small grass tree,can escape tough to live in this crevice,I can not imagine how.Then a friend told me,is to uphold the students want to keep it alive.Instant,to insist on this word shocked me.
Long road of life,failure is always there.But all in all,just you on the road to success a stumbling block.Do not feel sad for your frustration,persist and wonderful life because of frustration; do not feel sorrow for your frustrations,persist because of rough and full of life,smile,happiness and joy as experienced as happy now!In fact,the setbacks and frustrations,and much,as long as we adhere to the faith,uphold our ideals,is the victory after persevere,persist in the sun after the storm,I believe,after numerous failures after is a better tomorrow!
Grass to survive because of the insistence of failure because of the insistence of victory,and happy life ......because I insisted insisted,is a great force,"the stone,Tiechu into the needle," "perseverance wears away the stone." Persistence can change fate,change our life.
We adhere to overcome all the magic,you believe -
insist it is hoped,even if it is only natural ethereal dark!
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