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写一篇 关于介绍 英语角的 英语作文 至少60 词
Inmates released two correctional officers they had held for a week in the tower at the state prison complex. The inmates captured the officers a week ago after the two officers tried to quell a food fight in the main dining room. The food fight erupted when the prisoners discovered that their candy ration had been cut in half. The candy is a popular bartering item. Inmates trade it for cigarettes, cigars, magazines, stationery, legal dictionaries, and other items. Prison officials said it was necessary to cut back on this luxury item in order to provide basic items, like soap and razors and toilet paper. The prisoners went berserk over the reduction. They threw food, plates, and silverware at the doors, windows, and guards. Then they grabbed two guards and hauled them up to the tower. Once they had the tower door secured, they sent messages to prison officials demanding big bags of candy in exchange for sparing the guards’ lives. The warden complied with their demands. After a week of negotiations, the prisoners approved a deal which restored their candy ration, but in return the administration said they would have to reduce daily soap allotments by 75 percen

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请帮我写一篇英语短文玲玲有一只可爱的小狗,可是小狗生病了,玲玲很伤心.假如你是玲玲,你会怎么办?请  2020-07-10 …

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提高英语我快高二了,可英语一直很差,基础几乎为零.求一些切实可行的办法使我的英语能够在高三达到100  2020-11-03 …

写一篇关于介绍英语角的英语作文至少60词英语是一门重要的学科,学好英语有很多好处,可是又很多同学,刚  2020-11-04 …

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英语,你还想让我怎样::**::今天掐时间做了一下4篇阅读,况且还是以前做过的,怎么还是错那么多啊!  2021-01-08 …