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However, if a series of mankind to the Antarctic exploration and development, will inevitably cause ecological environmental damage to Antarctica, and experts say: "human development Antarctic deep underground mineral resources, will destroy the Antarctic surface ice caps, and even cause Antarctic ice sheet of a massive, and the rupture rupture in short time is unhealed. And broken ice easily melts, causing catastrophic consequences - disrupt the global ecological balance. Because of developed countries and developing countries in the political and economic aspects of unbalanced development, once developed countries mastery of the development of technology, Antarctic resources and developing countries do not have this kind of ability, will produce the contradiction between the countries, if mishandled, die contradiction between countries may be sharpened for war. Facing the interest problem, neither willing to make concessions, this also is a one of the most intractable international problem. Someone was predicted: "Antarctic development could trigger a third world war ii fuse!" Any peace-loving people don't want the realization of prophecy. Overall, develop the Antarctic resource is a very good idea, but the risk of developing the Antarctic has certain, if economic conditions and not enough plate-size technology, will cause a series of environmental problems, also to global human life safety cause certain threat.

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