早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




1. When my wife and I come to this developed country in North America what makes us surprised is not its technology but its nature. You can see so many mountains and rivers where you can hike camp and fish in a comfortable temperature.

2. Do you like to find a good place to ride horses and hunt animals? I have a good suggestion. If Brazil is too far and Britain is too expensive why not come to another country in Europe and hunt in its mountains?

3. As a popular tour site this Island in Africa does have its special charm(魅力). Its forests and oceans are the home of countless unique animals which attract  millions of foreigners to visit this country.

4. In my opinion there are two countries you have to visit if you are a bungee jumping lover. One is Switzerland. But my favorite place is the world’s highest bungee jumping.

5. No matter what time you come to this world wide-known country for winter sports you can have a lot of fun that the ice and snow bring to you .I am really excited that I can be here during the vacation and ski with my family.

A          New Zealand     

One of the most beautiful countries in the world New Zealand is an adventure lover’s dream. Despite its small size it has lots of rivers and coastlines for water rafting surfing water skiing and sailing.

B          Switzerland

With plenty mountain ranges Switzerland is a year round adventurer’s dream place. Winter sports like skiing snowboarding snowmobiling and snowshoeing are available in most of the mountains in this country.

C          Croatia

With a rich cultural history Croatia’s terrain(地形) ranges from flat plains to low mountains and highlands making it a great place for your next adventure. Climbing camping horseback riding and hunting are popular among tourists and residents alike.

D          Canada

In summer backpacking mountain biking hiking climbing mountaineering camping and fishing are popular choices since the weather in summer here is cool and mild.

E          South Africa

With a lot of mountains South Africa attracts adventurous travelers from across the globe. It has the highest commercial bungee jumping in the world an exhilarating(使人兴奋的)216 meters drop-off of Bloukrans Bridge.

F          Madagascar

The island’s main attraction is its fantastic ecosystem(生态系统). Here you see all kinds of animals such as lemurs(狐猴) elephant birds and chameleons(变色龙). It is also one of the best places in the world for whale watching.


1D  2C  3F  4E  5B

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