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Lingnan culture has a long history in its development process,and continuing to draw the Central Plains culture and foreign culture,and gradually formed its own pragmatic,open,interoperable,innovative features.From the geographical point of view,culture can be divided into Guangdong Lingnan culture,culture Guangxi,Hainan Cultural three blocks,mainly belonging to the Cantonese culture,culture of Guangdong,Chaozhou culture,mainly Hakka culture,which is the subject of Lingnan culture.Lingnan culture,there are three major sources of culture:one inherent in local culture,second,south of the Central Plains culture,three are foreign culture.Refined and elegant art of Lingnan culture,with strong local characteristics,it is subject to our modern culture,deep impact,as the largest overseas Chinese in Guangdong,has a long history deeply rooted in Chinese culture.
Zhang Qiang,designed by the designer of the symbol of Guangzhou "Guangzhou" Guangzhou Asian Games emblem,it is designed to rise to the soft lines,forming a contour wuyang torch resembles the composition is to combine abstract and figurative,in Smart,elegant without losing the steady,symbolizing the burning life of the Asian Games,never extinguished,not only embodies the symbol of Guangzhou city,Guangzhou has also expressed good wishes of the people of tune.
Cantonese opera is a unique tradition of Lingnan culture,drama drama,cultural activities,the Guangzhou Asian Games mark the prototype song opera mask.A symbol of the Games will open attitude welcomes the release of a friend from afar,the expression of Guangzhou Asian Games is not only multi-cultural exchange event in Asia,but also will show visitors a unique and wonderful home and abroad Lingnan cultural activities.
Guangzhou Asian Games opening and closing ceremonies,"based on Chinese culture,integration of Asian culture,highlighting the Lingnan culture" of cultural orientation.

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