早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



A  man walked into a pet shop one day with    a    large    and    very ugly dog. It had long  hair short legs no tail and a very wet nose.

“Good morning sir,” the owner looked at the dog and said “I’m sorry. No one will want to buy him. He is too ugly. ”

“Well,he is too ugly,” the man said,“but he can talk. ”

“What?” the pet shop owner said in surprise.

“He can speak English. Just listen,” the man answered.

The dog then spoke.

“It’s true sir,” he said,“I am the world’s greatest talking dog. I’ve been to America and talked to the President in the White House. I’ve talked to the queen of England and the emperor(皇帝)of Japan. Please buy me sir. This man is very cruel to me. He makes me work too hard. He never takes me for a walk. ”

“You’re right. He is a talking dog. But tell me why do you want to sell him?” the pet shop owner said.

“Because I was tired of his lies(谎言),” the man said.

(    )31. The dog owner came into the pet shop to_.

A.    make his    dog beautiful

B.    teach his    dog to speak English

C. buy some dog food

D. sell his dog

(    )32. The pet shop owner did not want to buy him at first because the dog was

A.    dirty    B. lazy    C.    expensive    D.    ugly

(    )33. According to the dog he had met all of the following persons except_•

A. the Japanese emperor    B.    the    British queen

C. the American president    D.    the    Chinese president

(    )34. The pet shop owner was_by    what    the    dog had said.

A.    tired    B. easy    C.    surprised    D.    sad

(    )35. What does the underlined word “cruel” mean in Chinese?

A.友好的    B.残忍的    C.谦逊的    D.擅长的

31 ?35 DDDCB