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SAT 阅读速度我在preparing for SAT,可是自己阅读速度很慢(状态好的话,阅读速度为 roughly 300wpm). wpm: words per minute 请问如何提高阅读速度啊?谢谢~~~ 听说阅读速度最快可达到1000wpm,是不是真的阿?
300 words per minute isn't bad at all considering that the average English as a first language speaker can only manage about 200 words per minute at an efficiency rate of 60%, meaning if they were to take a quiz regarding the reading material, they'd only get 60% of them right. The top speed readers (top 1%) can indeed read at an astounding 1000 wpm, with an efficiency rate of 85%. there are tons of books, and tapes out there that'll improve your reading speed, however, this doesn't mean you will necessarily improve your score on the SAT verbal section. Given your present speed, probabaly a more efficient course is to increase vocabulary as well general reading skills, ie. critical analysis of passage you read.