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Alice跟随着兔子掉进兔洞后来到了一个神奇的世界,在这里她发现了一个美丽的花园和一座漂亮的城堡,她还遇见了三位美丽的女孩(Snow White (白雪公主)、Cinderella (灰姑娘)、the Match girl (卖火柴的小姑娘),请同学们结合下列图片及提示,用你自己丰富的想象力创编完全属于你自己的故事。开头已给出,注意时态。








Alice followed the rabbit and fell into a big hole then she came to a wonderland. She found a beautiful garden and a beautiful castle (城堡) here. She met three beautiful girls Snow White Cinderella the Match girl.









First Alice met Snow White She was playing games with seven little men by the river They were walking across the bridge.

Then Alice met Cinderella She was wearing a beautiful dress.She was dancing with the prince (王子).They danced very well. And they were very happy.

Next Alice met the Match Girl She was not selling matches but living with her grandmother happily . They were thinking of having a big Christmas dinner.Finally they took Alice around Alice were very happy and laughed happily.

Then Alice woke up.She knew she just dreamed just now.But She hopes her dream can come true.

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