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随着我国城市车辆保有量的迅速增加,车辆排放污染物对城市大气的污染也与日俱增,严重影响着城市的生活环境,控制城市的交通大气污染和车辆排放已成当务之急.从车辆的使用角度出发,研究车辆排放的劣化规律,定量分析车辆排放随着使用年限和行驶里程增加的变化情况,是制定排放控制策略的基础工作.本文以北京市在用车为研究对象,收集北京市某机动车检测中心ASM(稳态模拟工况)5025 所测得的主要污染物排放数据为依据,在不考虑外围其它影响因素的条件下,分别研究了轻型电喷汽车的排放情况随使用年限和行驶里程的变化关系.
研究结果表明,随着使用年限和行驶里程的增加,电喷汽车和化油器汽车的排放浓度都呈现不断增加的趋势,从投入使用到使用年限达到 2-4 年或行驶里程达到 10 万 km 这一阶段,排放劣化较迅速,此后,排放劣化的程度明显减缓.论文指出要从根本上解决车辆排放不断劣化的趋势,关键在于如何从宏观的控制体系和日常的使用及维护维修保养方面进行完善.
With the amount of urban rapid increase in vehicle ownership, vehicle emissions of pollutants in urban air pollution is also increasing, seriously affecting the city's living environment, control urban traffic air pollution and vehicle emissions has become a top priority. From the perspective of the vehicle used to study the deterioration of vehicle emission laws, quantitative analysis of vehicle emissions and mileage with the increase in the useful life of the changes is the basis for developing emission control strategies work. Taking Beijing as the research object in the car, a vehicle testing center in Beijing to collect ASM (steady-state simulation condition) 5025 emissions of major pollutants measured data as the basis, without considering the impact of external factors, other conditions , respectively, of the light emissions of EFI vehicles age and mileage with the use of changes in relationships.
The results show that with the use of age and mileage increases, EFI and carburetor cars have shown the concentration of vehicle emissions continue to increase, from operational to meet the useful life of 2-4 years or the mileage reached 100,000 km this stage, the emission deterioration more rapid, after which the degree of emission deterioration has slowed down significantly. To solve the paper pointed out that the continued deterioration of the trend in vehicle emissions, the key is how the macro-control system and daily maintenance of the use and maintenance aspects of improvement.
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