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Two fighting cock
For two rooster dozen of hen, one another a dozen. The defeated to hide into the place that has covered the three-year-long only but fly to high wall of Shouting. Now eagle fly fierce, he caught. After that, the only defeated the rooster peace occupied the hens.
This story, arrogant bring harm to grace, humility.
The fox fell into a well with male goats
A fox fell into the well, no matter how he still couldn't climb, struggling to stay there. Goats feel thirsty, who came to see the fox, in underground water, then asked him not good? The fox think the opportunity came, AnXi heart, calm down to drink water, praise, and say that water is the organizers, sweet and refreshing, and urged the goat, and he quickly down town. The goat to drink it, sadly, when he jumped loud splash after drinking, loud splash with fox to discuss the measures on well together. The fox ready, he archly say: "I have a method with your forefoot steaks. In the wall, and he placed trumpets vertical Wells, I jumped back from you, and then you well, we'll have saved." Goat agreed his proposal, fox, he stepped foot on his back, then jumped from the Angle of a force, jump out of the hole. The fox went up to escape, alone. Goats accused the fox not keep his promise. The fox turned toward the goat said: "hello, my friend, you mind if you like the beard that perfect, you will not in never before exporting jump blindly."
This story, a wise man should consider to be clear about things beforehand, then.
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