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1.使用恭维语可以维护谈判双方的“积极面子”“积极面子”一词源于Brown 和Levinson 的“面子论”.美国社会学家Goffman 认为,“面子”是对每个人来说都很神圣的东西,是每个交流者都必须关注的必要因素.在此基础上,Brown和Levinson 将“面子”定义为“每个成员都想在公众面前维护的自我形象”并进一步将其细分为“消极面子”和“积极面子”.“消极面子”是指一个人希望可以不受妨碍,不被他人意愿干扰而采取自由行动.“积极面子”是指一个人希望得到他所归属的社会群体的认可和赏识.Brown 和Levinson 进一步指出,几乎所有的言语行为都是面子威胁行为.当说话人通过言语向听话人施加压力时,就会威胁到听话人的“消极面子”,比如命令、威胁、请求,甚至建议和忠告等;另外,还有一些言语行为诸如批评,反对、指责、侮辱等会损害对方的“积极面子”,因为这些言语行为影响了听话人的自我感觉,削弱了他们心中的自我形象.所以,为了避免威胁到对方的面子,说话者要采取一定的措施.为了维护对方的“消极面子”,说话人可以运用“消极礼貌”策略,即挽救听话人的消极面子,回避对听话人的愿望的阻碍.而“积极礼貌”策略是指通过考虑对方的需求,或表达说话人对听话人某方面的赞赏来维护对方的“积极面子”.在商务谈判中,由于谈判双方不同的文化背景,所以谈判中的语言使用显得格外重要.“与人善言,棉如布帛;伤人以言,深于矛戟”,可见,商务谈判中要采取礼貌策略,避免因为言语不当而造成和对方之间的尴尬局面.这句恭维语表达了谈判者对对方产品以及对方成就的高度评价,加强了对方的“积极面子”,是一种积极的礼貌策略.由此,谈判双方建立了一种和谐的谈判气氛,有助于取得理想的谈判效果.
1.Compliments can be used to maintain both sides of the "active face" "positive face" the word from Brown and Levinson's "face on." American sociologist Goffman believes that "face" is sacred to everyone what every communicator must be concerned about the necessary elements.On this basis,Brown and Levinson to "face" is defined as "each member wants to maintain in public self-image," and further broken down into its "negative face" and "positive face." "Negative face" means a person hope unhindered by others will not interfere with freedom of action taken."Positive face" means a person wants his ownership of the social groups recognized and appreciated.Brown and Levinson further noted that almost all speech acts are face threatening acts.When the speaker to the listener through verbal pressure,they will threaten the hearer's "negative face",such as commands,threats,requests,or suggestions and advice,etc.; In addition,there are some verbal behaviors such as criticism,opposition,accusing ,insult and so would destroy the "positive face",because these speech acts affect the listener's sense of self,weakened self-image in their minds.Therefore,in order to avoid a threat to each other's face,the speaker to take certain measures.In order to safeguard each other's "negative face",the speaker can use "negative politeness" strategy,that is to save the listener's negative face of the listener's desire to avoid an obstacle.The "positive politeness" policy means that by considering each other's needs,or to express a speaker on the listener's appreciation for each other to maintain "positive face." In business negotiations,the negotiating parties as different cultural backgrounds,so the language used in negotiations is particularly important."Friendly words,such as cotton cloth; wounding with words,as deeply as spears," see,in business negotiations to take politeness strategy to avoid because of language and other inappropriate resulting in the embarrassing situation between.Sentence expressed Compliments negotiators on the other products and spoke highly of the achievements of each other and strengthen each other's "positive face",is a positive politeness strategy.As a result,the negotiating parties to establish a harmonious atmosphere for negotiations,the negotiations will help achieve the desired effect.
2.Use compliments to meet demand on both sides of self-esteem
Self-esteem needs are well-known American social psychologist Maslow's "hierarchy of needs" in a reference to the five requirements.He pointed out that a feature of the human person in his entire life is always in need of.According to the order of human needs satisfaction,he will fall into five categories of human needs:physiological needs first is that the normal operation of life-sustaining needs of the body,such as air,food and water.The second is the security needs,including personal safety needs,such as security,accommodation and psychological safety needs,such as a stable job or an insurance.The third category is the needs of belonging and love,when one good physical condition and safety,he was eager to be social groups need to accept and handle the relationship with group members.The fourth category is the dignity and needs,one is self-esteem,and everyone wanted to have the ability or achievement can win the respect of their own; the other is his respect,and everyone wants some aspects of the person's height can be evaluation,praise or prestige for their own gain.The most advanced needs of self-realization of a demand,refers to a full play to their ability or challenge their own potential as a demand.Business negotiation is a difficult process,because it is a psychological warfare.This means in the negotiations,to meet the psychological needs of those negotiations is also crucial.If only won the temporary economic interests of the negotiating partner's psychological harm,the negotiating parties would weaken or even terminate the relationship,which is negotiating parties do not wish to see results.In business negotiations,negotiators want their products or services of each other's praise,and hope that their performance or ability to get opponents of admiration,therefore,the negotiators should be appropriate to commend on the other side to meet the needs of his dignity,as it It is also available through the use of compliments to be achieved.