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就像英美人说雨下得大,并不是说It's falling heavy rain,而是说 It's raining cats and dogs.
这句话,想要翻译没那么简单.因为这句话,不像 raining cats and dogs 一样在英文里有 idiom.

早知如此,何必当初 、句型有几个 :

① If I had known it would come to this, I would/wouldn't have ______.
② If I knew it'd end like this, I would/wouldn't have _______________.
③ If I saw this outcome, I would/wouldn't have __________________.

如 :

If I had known it would come to this, I would have done things differently.
If I knew it'd end like this , I wouldn't have let things go this far.
If I saw this outcome, I wouldn't have pursued it in the first place.
