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The simplest earthquake source is measured using seismic data.
Seismic wave and surface waves, divided into the two waves in the earth's crust transmission speed is not the same as in the earthquake, the recorder, these two kinds of waves, a time can be calculated according to the earthquake epicenter distance, seismic data recorder to the right, calculate the distance to radius, special map in the circle in the round, source,
In other parts of the reusing Settings can be determined, and seismic data, this two circle a circle should have two intersections, source location on the two one,
Recycling also set a third seismic data, can determine the exact location of the source.
Also can use two earthquakes epicentre complete measurement data:
The earthquake source to the seismic data recorder determine the direction on the map, can draw a straight line, Another set of a seismic data also can draw a straight line, it is the source of the intersection of two lines.
Also can use a seismic data source location: judge
Based on the wave and surface waves, calculate the distance, according to the epicenter of the earthquake recorder brushstroke strokes, determine the direction of source direction, direction and distance, can judge the source.
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