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Always missed the wonderful experience in high school,sometimes I silently smiled on chair with the memory.When I was dejected,thought about the passed,just a little think,I would felt warm in heart.I mistook it was just my foible,but I abrupt detected that many persons did it alike.open the Qzone,there is all miss for past time between the lines.Suddenly,I think it's a good phenomenon.we could not back into the past,but we have the memory what we could join it for a whole life,and it's prove the world is wonderful.
I always miss the wonderful life in high school.It makes me smile when I sit alone and think about the past.When I am sad,depressed,I will just think about that time,and I will feel warm in my heart.
At first I thought it was just my own strange hobby,but later I found that many people are just like me.On their webspaces,the memory of the unforgettable past can be seen in each line or each word.Suddenly I think it is a good thing.We can not go back to the past,but we have the memory which we could enjoy for a life time,which proves the world is wonderful.
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