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1.我们中国农历5月初5是有名的端午节,那天我们为了纪念古人屈原,会吃粽子、划龙舟,龙舟上敲锣打鼓,还会齐声高喊“嘿呦!”热闹又有趣.正月15的元宵节,那天我们会看花灯、猜谜语、放鞭炮……可好玩了 2.早上我会先去温州有名的江心屿玩,参观革命烈士纪念馆,博物观,还有东塔和西塔.中午去吃温州的地方小吃,下午去闹市区逛逛,逛累了就去图书馆坐坐,看看书,上上网.这样一天就过去了.3.我会带足够的干粮,水,必备的药品,还有野外帐篷.因为干粮,水是我们日常所需的,偶尔感冒,发烧就离不开药品,帐篷晚上睡觉的时候可以遮风挡雨.这样吃跟住的问题都解决了.
1.Hello everyone, the 5th date of the 5th month in our Chinese lunar calendar is a famous holiday called dragon boat festival. That day, we'll memorial our ancient relatives and family, eat rice dumplings, paddle the dragon boat, and drums are heard on the dragon boat, and the paddler will go "Heyo! Heyo!", exciting and fun. On the first month and 15th day of our chinese lunar calendar, is the lantern festival, that day we'll look at lanterns, guess riddles, play with firecrackers. so fun! 2. In the morning, i will first go to WenZhou's famous HongXinYu, then visit the Revolutionary Martyr Site, Museum, and East & West Tower. At noon i'll go and eat WenZhou's local snacks, and by afternoon i'll go to downtown to shop, if im too tired, i'll go to the library, read some book, get on the internet. Then one day goes by. 3. I'll bring enough dry food, water, some essential drugs, and a camping tent. Because dry food, water is our daily supplies, once in a while we'll catch a cold or fever, and we'll need drug to keep us away from these diseases. At night we can sleep in tent as our shelter. That way, food and living are solved.
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