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Food: squid, fish and shellfish. (scavengers)
Appearance: white with dark wing tips. Females are white with dark eyebrows,back, upper side of wings and tail
Reason for classification as endangered species:
Eggs were stolen and adult birds were killed. With use of their feathers in manufacturing human cloths and bedroom furnitures, the killing and capturing of short-tailed albatross increased significantly. Because of human's collection of their feathers, short-tail albatrosses were nearly extinct nearly ten thousand being killed. Also, short-tail albatrosses face more hidden dangers at the sea. Other than the dangers caused by oil spills and chemical pollutants in the ocean, the most imminent threat is from human capture. Even though the use of gill nets are now banned in the high seas, but the so-called "longlining" method is being widely used in the capturing of deep ocean fish such as Chilean seabass and midwater fish and tuna fish. Just a single tuna capturing longline can extend for 100 kilometers long. After putting in place all the longlines, hooks with baits attached will be spread from the bow of the fish boat. And just this type of temptation are the ones albatross find irresistible. When they swallow the bait, they are caught, and then dragged into the water by the longlines, and pulled up with the other captures hours later. Every year up to 44 thousand albatross are being killed this way, resulting in the decrease in the population of certian species in the southern oceans.
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