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Oh,I wrote this composition.In fact,star of the day and the day you do not have what difference,focus on certain details to affectation.The wording should be gorgeous,details about the.
Give you something:
Who knows that two called me and said they did not take ID card,let me to help them get a room.After I come home immediately went to the hotel,but can do no good,I also too late,they said that I come back again.I take a taxi to the station,it so happens,just in time to see the JJ down from the car.But because of a Li Yuchun video over relatively late,so for a long time,began recording.
JJ at the site of a high,is also very serious,very warm in the recording program,recording gap he also to us,with our picture.He has no frame,the recorded within a few hours,he is at least as fans hold5 hands,so happy.( I sit is" drama wind action" club position,should be no opportunity to shake hands,but he that day just to go back,in front of me from the ha,so ......Ha ha ha ha ) pro on the train,he said to us:88,see you next time!Then in the car with a handsome pose to take photos for us,but the light is not good,I regret that position does not shine down.Hey ......
However,to emphasize that there is a point,that is he handsome in person than photos!
Recorded programs are nearly 11,I told mom said not to go home,so I immediately hit ( not the bus,I vote ...) Go Ding Ding and his hotel.When the room,the two people told me,in their opening room and sat in the hall,was great when they were out to see,they run to ask them how in this,also chatted for a long time,back when they also brought assistant room number gave them,let them you can find them,piss me off!Such a good chance!But they also can have great magic power,was they got their room number!But it was too late,we decided to come tomorrow!Ha-ha.A night without sleep!Listen to a few" madman" in that talk about their story ......
Interview with JJ Lin,the first person third person transposition slightly modified.
No translation?Well,I said.
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