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The splendid Corn
Life can be splendid with the smallest thing.Just like my story of the splendid corn.
On my way home,I met a corn seller.He is an ordinary 50 years old,selling his ordinary corns.The Corn was not very expensive; it only cost me one Yuan.
It was hard to imagine that it would be the splendid corn.I gave one Yuan note to him,since it is very small amount,I didn’t even notice it was in a very new condition.
“Ah!” shouted the man,“what an outstanding note!You are quite gorgeous looking as well,” he laughed “plus my splendid corn; what a spectacular combination it is,isn’t it?”
His humorous words brightened my face.He got on his bicycle and again turned to me,said “wish you a safe journey home.”
“Thank you” I replied with the smile still on my face.Suddenly,my heart has been injected with the “pleasure dose”,myself is overwhelmed with happiness.That “Thank you” was from the bottom of my heart.What a highlight of this ordinary day!
I brought a splendid corn and a happy smile.Even though he was just an ordinary man,his compliment was inaccurate like a joke,but his humor had certainly affected me.
Someone once said the best compliment is return the loss of the others.(It reminds me of a quote of Samuel Taylor Coleridge,“The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions - the little,soon forgotten charities of a kiss or smile,a kind look,a heartfelt compliment,and the countless infinitesimals of pleasurable and genial feeling.”)
Why should we withhold our compliments?Please let's give the heartfelt compliments to everyone around us,so we could all enjoy this pleasure in return like the essence remained in your hand of each lovely rose that was given by you.
If a corn could be this splendid,how many splendors are there in our life waiting to be discovered?
Someone once said the best compliment is return the loss of the others.(.)
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