早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


(Professor Li is A,Mr Brown is B,Mrs Brown is C,PingPing is D.)
D:Professor Li,what's the time now?
A:It's about 9:30am now.
D:Then the Brown couple should have landed.
A:Yes.Let's go to look for them.
D:Look!There is a couple in white and lifting a paper tag which writed "ShangHai Foreign Language University"on it.
A:Good.Let's go to have a inquire.
D:OK.Let's go.

A:Excuse me,is this Mr Brown?
B:Yes,could you tell me who you are?
A:Oh.I'm Professor Li of ShangHai Foreign Language University.I'm responsible to receive you.Nice to meet you.
B:Glad to see you,too.
C:That's great!Thanks for your coming.
A:Not at all.It's my honor.
D:Hello.I'm PingPing,the student of Professor Li.Welcome to ShangHai.
C:Chinese people is so friendly and helpful.Thank you very much.
A:You must be very tired for a long trip and take a break,ok?
B:No problem.
A:We have arranged everything for you.Now let me drive you to the hotel.
C:Great!Let's go.
B:I heard that ShangHai is famous of the Oriental Pearl and the bund.
A:Yes.After resting,we will take you to have a visit.
C:Wow.It sounds so good.
(after several minutes,they arrived the hotel)
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