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“随着铁路技术的发展,列车在运行速度及运载能力上有了很大的提高.为了保证行车安全,确保铁路运输的安全畅通,对列车在运行时的安全防护提出了很高的要求.确保列车正常运行的技术手段有很多,其中轨道电路是保障列车正常运行的重要手段之一.ZPW-2000无绝缘移频自动闭塞系统已成为我国目前最先进的无绝缘自动闭塞制式.它将在我国铁路“机车信号做为主体信号” 的技术发展政策中发挥作用.
本次工程设计是依据铁路信号设计规范,结合合宁线马场站具体情况进行的.站场采用自动闭塞,并采用18号道岔以满足铁路提速要求.本工程设计的目的是通过学习、掌握AUTO CAD,完成合宁线马场站的工程图纸,包括车站、区间信号布置图,室内设备布置图,车站、区间轨道电路图,信号显示及编码码序表,各机柜布置和配线图等,学会站内和区间改变方向继电器采集和驱动设计和补偿电容计算及配置.
With the development of railway technology , train
speed and its carrying capacity hvae great increased ,High requirement of safeguarding of train movement is proposed in order to ensure train safety and its open and safe.There are many technologial means of ensuring normal train movement, among which ,track circuit is one of the most important (1**), ZPW-2000 ,as a non-insulation frequency shift automatic block system ,is by far the most advanced non- insulation automatic block one (2**. It will exert role in technique development policy in our railway where cab signaling is proposed as the main running signal.
HeFei- NanJing High-speed Railway is an important part of our country' s expressway net which is the first passenger rail line in our country . This paper mainly and systematically demonstrates composition and principle of ZPW- 2000 non-insulation track circuit system and simply explains the knowledge about (a) (3**)equipment layout of each equipment cabinet in region, (b) zero-layer wire running and so on .
This design is based on the design specifications in railway signalling together with the specific circumstance of MaChang railway station. Automatic block and the turnout No.18 are used in the station to meet the requirement of picking up train speed .The aim of this engineer design is ,by studying and then mastering AUTO CAD , to (A)(4**)accomplish the engineering drawing of MaChang station in HeFei- NanJing line, including (a) the layout drawing of station and railway section signals ,(b)indoor equipment layout ,(c)track circuit diagram of the station and the railway section ,(d)signal display and coding order schedule, and (e) layout and wiring diagrams to each equipment cabinet,and to(B) (5**)be able to master (a)how to change the collection of the directional relay in station and train section,(b)driver design,and (c) how to make a calculation and configuration of the compensation capacitor .
In this paper, we first introduce the development situation and research significance of frequency shift automatic block at home and abroad ;secondly expound the engineering design from the whole to the local combining with the design drawing, and determine the overall design program combining with the layout plan of the station and train section ; then make a general layout of the whole indoor equipments ; and then design the structure and function of the track circuit in train sections and instation ; and finally give a simple explanation of wiring layout of each equipment cabinet.

注释:(1** ----5**)是语法结构的联系(有省略,有指代词,有并列等), (a, b, c, d ...),等是并列语法成分的联系符号,如果能够看懂,就把这些所有括号内的字母或数字符号去掉不看而直接根据原文的结构正确理解即可,即完全不需要上述的提示.
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