早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Topic1:meeting on campus
Situation:Two student A and B meet for the first time on campus.
they great each other and introduce themselves .B and A to choose course.
Role A:You are an international student from Sonth Africa.you have difficulty in understanding Chinese ,so you ask B for Help.
Role B:you are a chinese student.You introduce the courses and help A to choose .
Topic2 :The plan for Winter vacaton
Situation:Winter vacation is coming.Two students are talking about their plans.
Role A:you prefer to spend the precious time with your family and list the interesting things you want to do ..
Role B:you are going to the take a part-time job.Tell A the reasons and the benefits you may yet.
Topic 3 Online Shpping
Situation:Nowadays,online shopping is popular..Many people have this kind of experience.Two students are talking about their opinions on online shopping.
RoleA:You think online shopping is very interesting and it has more advantages.
RoleB:you disagree with A and explain the reasons.
Topic4:A part-time Job interview.
Situation:Pratice interviewing fir a part-time job working on camppus as a shop assistant.
RoleA:you are the interviewer.you ask B about the esperience,special skills and some other questions.
RoleB:you are yhe condidate,You introduce youself,answer A's questions and ask B something about the job.
Topic5:student A is reading the ads in the newspaper searching for a room to rent,
but his friend student B doesn't think it is a wise choice to live off campus.
Student A :read the newspaper and find in an ad a room is for rent.Tell student B what is said in the ad and reasons to live off campus.
Student B:list as many advantages of living on campus as you can to convince student A that is .preferable to live on the campus sharing room with classmates.
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