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      I just entered middle school. It is very different from primary school. Everything is new. My
classmates are from different schools. I'm a little shy and I don't know how to get on with them.
What should I do?
     From Lily

      We've got more subjects than primary school. I'm interested in biology. But I find math too difficult.
I can't follow the teacher in class. So it takes me a long time to finish my schoolwork. I am under
     From Teddy

       Life in middle school is so colorful! So many activities to do such as theatre club sports team
singing group dancing club... I like them all. But my mum always says "Study first interest second."
I'd like to borrow some advice from you.
     From Bob

I have read your letter. ___________________________________________________________________
Yours truly

Dear Lily
        I've read your letter. I understand how you feel because I had the same feeling when I entered
middle school. Try these followings:
        First tell yourself that it's not hard to make friends because your classmates need new friends
as well. After class talk to them and share the similar interests with them. I made some friends this
       Second learn to be a listener. I often showed my interest in the talk by smiling and nodding. That
helped me win many friends.
       Besides why not give others a hand when they have troubles? Kindness always brings
      Going to a new school means you have the chance to meet new friends.l believe you will have
many friends in middle school. Good luck!
Yours truly

Dear Teddy
      I've read your letter. Lots of students find math difficult when they enter middle school so don't
worry too much. Here are my suggestions.
      First preview the lessons. Underline everything you don't understand and pay special attention to
that in class. If you still can't follow the teacher take down the questions and ask the teacher after
class. That really helped me a lot and will work well for you.
      Second review in time.lt can greatly shorten your time of doing homework. Besides study in
groups.I always worked with my classmates and leamed a lot from them.
     Last but not least bejieve yourself and keep practicing. I'm sure you will make great progress.
Yours truly

Dear Bob
     I've read your letter. I understand your feelings because I once had the similar problem as you do
now. Here are some ideas for you.
     Firstly don't quarrel with your mum. Believe it or not what parents do is all for us. As students
we should know what our responsibility is. So try to have a heart-to-heart talk with your mum.
     Next why not choose a favorite sports team to join? I once played basketball in the school team
after school. It helped me to keep fit study well and improve my character. Have a try!
     Above all as you mentioned life in school is really colorful. So value every day and enjoy it!
     Keep in touch and good luck! 
Yours truly  


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