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英语影评 急
It's not the painfully thin story line,predictable plot or shallow stereotypical characters featured in this movie.It's not even the constant stream of amazingly improbable events,which give you the feeling the director hopelessly underestimated the reasoning abilities of his audience.
What left me disappointed and even a bit annoyed after seeing "Vertical Limit" is the absolute and total failure of this movie to capture any of the real thrill,excitement and hardship involved in scaling the world's second highest mountain.
Books like Jon Krakauers' "Into thin Air" and movies like David Breashears' "Everest" prove that you don't need helicopter rotor blades threatening to dismember climbers or unstable nitroglycerine that explodes if exposed to sunlight to create an exciting story.When Martin Campbell decided to deny the audience any sense of the real technical,physical and emotional challenges of climbing K2,and therefore had to resort to action-movie style heroes,villains and explosions,he left behind a movie too unconvincing,for me to enjoy.

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