早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




原   因


1.  司机开车精力不集中,驾车时打手机

2.  超速行使

3.  酒后驾车


1.  乘坐摩的上学

2.  在机动车车道(lane/roadway)上骑自行车

3.  不走地下通道,横穿马路

4.  边走边看书、听音乐

建   议

1.  交通部门(the Traffic Department)强调司机的交通安全意识,加大处罚违章司机的力度。

2.  学校加强学生安全教育,让他们珍爱生命。



Recently our classmates did a survey about the traffic accident to pupils and middle school students and its causes. The results are as follows.



Sample: Recently our classmates did a survey about the traffic accident to pupils and middle school students and its causes. The results are as follows. There is no denying that both drivers and students should bear responsibilities. On one hand drivers can not concentrate their mind and make a phone call when driving. Some drivers even drive over the speed limit and ignore the passers-by’s existence. What’s worse some drive after drinking which is one of the main causes of the traffic accident. On the other hand the students are lacking in safety consciousness. They often do something that disobey traffic rules such as going to school. by motorcycle riding on roadways/ lanes walking across streets rather than taking underground tunnels and reading and listening to music while walking. Unfortunately all of these aspects result in the terrible accident which do great harm to both families. Personally I think the Traffic Department should attach the importance of safety consciousness to the drivers. Meanwhile some drivers who violate the traffic law should be punished seriously. As for young students teachers and parents should strengthen children’s safety education and teach them how to protect themselves and value their lives.

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