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The population of the United States is growing older. Moreover it will continue to do so. According to a report 39 million Americans will be 65 or older by the year 2010 51 million by 2020 and 65 million by 2030.

The “graying” of the United States is mainly due to the fact that people in the U.S. are living longer. As a matter of fact the number of the U.S. citizens 85 years old and older is growing 6 times as fast as the rest of the population. It is also largely due to the old-growing of the “baby-boomers” the generation born after the Second World War. In 1957 over 4.3 million babies were born. More than 75 million Americans were born between 1946 and 1964 the largest generation in the U.S. history. In less than twenty years millions of them will become elderly people.

The “graying” of the United States will greatly affect the nation’s family and workforce. One likely development will be a gradual change in the family unit; it will move away from the nuclear family and towards a multigenerational family. The other likely development will be a change in the proportion(比例) of the nation’s workforce. In 1989 there were 3.5 workers for every person 65 and older; by 2030 there will only be 2 workers for every person 65 and older.

              Title: 1._____________

Number of citizens 65 or older


By 2020

By 2030

 39 million

51 million

65 million

3. ____________

4. __________________

 Baby boomers’ old-growing


6. ____________

 8.________ multigenerational family

7._________ proportion change

 9. ________ to citizens 65 and older


By 2030



1. Graying U. S.      2. By 2010            3. Causes/ Reasons   4. Citizens’ longer living 5. Effec...

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