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“I have a dream today!”
This is a message from the speech that made Martin Luther King Jr. a living legend.
The greatest achievement of King was undoubtedly as a leader of the American Civil Rights Movement. He defended the Americans with African descent and fought for their rights.
Martin Luther played a prominent role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955; All his efforts were ultimately honored when the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, which ended the segregation in public accommodations, in publicly owned facilities, and in employment.
Another major accomplishment of Martin Luther was the institution of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), an American civil rights organization in 1957. He enforced the non-violent techniques in the protests organized by SCLC. Luther also fought for the civil rights of blacks, like, right to vote, labor rights, etc. These rights were incorporated with the enactment of the Civil Rights Act, 1964 and the Voting Rights Act, 1965.
Yet another substantial achievement of Martin Luther was in the Birmingham campaign, which aimed at promoting civil rights for African-Americans. The campaign was basically directed to mark an end to preferential and segregated civil and economic policies.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a man who throughout his lifetime, attempted to end racial discrimination against African-Americans with success, the effects of which resonate even to this day. The timeline of Martin Luther’s life clearly explains how his life was dedicated only to ending the brutalities of racism and racial segregation, and how his life brought about a huge transformation in the way the world now perceived the African-Americans.
In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the radical yet non-violent movement he led to bring about change, the third Monday of the month of January every year, is celebrated as Martin Luther King Day. Of course, as much love and affection existed for him during and after his time, there were discussions on the controversial subjects that were part of his life too. But the fact that this man rewrote American history and altered the perception of African-Americans throughout the world cannot be changed or undermined. It is only these genuine efforts that will always be remembered, and are now evident with the reality that a man of African-American origin, Barack Obama, is now leading the United States of America as its president.
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