早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享







1.What does the dialogue take place?

2.What’s the speakers relation?

3.How did the man go to the theatre?


4.Why was Joan’s coat dirty?

A.She was pushed to the floor.

B.She fell by accident.

C.The back of her seat was dirty.

5.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In the street.

B.In the office.

C.On the underground train.

6.Who caught the robber?

A.Two passengers.

B.The conductor.

C.A policeman.


7.Where could you go to borrow a magazine published in 2005?

A.Level 1.

B.Level 2.

C.Level 3.

8.How much is the fine for a book returned 45 days late?

A.$5 . 00.

B.$15 . 00.

C.$22 . 50.

9.When does the library close on Friday nights?

A.8∶30 p . m.

B.9∶00 p . m.

C.10∶00 p . m.


10.What is the main topic of the conversation?

A.Problems with living in an apartment.

B.A search for a new apartment.

C.The cost of rent near universities.

11.What kind of place is Ann looking for?

A.An apartment which costs $300 a month.

B.An apartment with furniture already in it.

C.An apartment within a short driving distance of campus.

12.How is Roger going to help Ann?

A.He is going to visit an apartment building near his place.

B.He is planning on calling a friend who owns an apartment building.

C.He will check the newspapers to see if he can find an apartment for rent.


13.What is the major problem with the man’s reservation?

A.There are no rooms available for the 18th.

B.The hotel confuses him with another guest.

C.Rooms are not available for five people for the 19th.

14.How much is the final discount on the double room for Mr.Nelson?




15.How does Mr.Nelson respond when he is told he will be offered a free room on his next visit?

A.He feels he should first receive an apology from the manager.

B.He suggests that the hotel should give guests discount in cases like his.

C.He implies(暗示)that he might not visit again because of his experience.



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