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猎人:终于被我逮到了.哈哈 哈哈
猎人:哈哈 哈哈 哈哈 朋友?让开!(正当猎人想对小狮子开枪的时候,罗密欧把猎人的猎枪抢了过来,于是两人打了起来.一不小心,祝英台被猎人的抢打中了,倒在地下)
In sunny day, Romeo and Lovers to a very beautiful forest, they are happy, and take pictures nostalgia. They walked, do not know when map lost, and they lost.
While they find the road, in front of a shot passed on. (Bang ...)
Suddenly ran out of the woods in front of a small lion, little lion Romeo and Lovers can see in the run to, so go ask the little lion.
Lo: how do you, why run such a panic, why are there guns in front of it?
(Just then a hunter ran out, holding a shotgun.)
Hunter: I finally caught out. Ha ha ha ha
Romania: What are you doing? (Luo said stand in front of a small lion)
Hunter: What do you tube, if not me, you will have a mink coat to wear it. Give me the way!
Chu: No, you can not hurt it, they are our human friends!
Hunter: Ha ha ha ha ha ha friends? Get out! (Due to the small hunter shot the lion, when Romeo grab the hunter's shotgun over, so they fight. Accidentally, Lovers hit by hunters grab in, and fell to the ground)
Lo: You ... you ... you (small lion then sent a distress call. Wailing ... suddenly a lot of forest to small animals, they are the hunters brought down with Romeo.)
(Romeo holding Lovers. All the animals around the Lovers around, crying. Just then. Fairy sister shows up)
Fairy: You do not be sad, I have a cure, let her eat, she would came back to life. (After eating to understand medicine, Lovers woke up, the animals were cheering and dances.
Hand in hand they danced happily. And held in the forest of their wedding)
End: Animals are our friends, we want to protect them. To protect our nature
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