早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


英语题目非常着急 急
1—Where is your mother ,Jean?
—She is cooking for the famil in the k____.
2 —How did you get to Beijing yesterday?
—I f____ here.
3 —What do you usually do after shool?
—I usually play basketball on the p___ in our school with my classmates.
4 The e___ is bigger than the moon,but smaller than the sun.
5 You shouldn't a___ with your father about it .You could talk about it .
6—Don't c___ other's homework .It's not a good idea.
—Sorry ,I won't do it again.
7 That man tried to p___ his car,but it didn't move.
8 The medical team i___ seven doctors and ten nurses.
9 No one talks .There is nothing but s____ in the hall.
10 Those poor children come from a small v___ in Gansu Province ,far away from a town.
1 It is ___(amaze)news .I can hardly believe it.
2 When the bell ___(ring),Mary was watching TV.
3 Fred fell off his bike yesterday .___(luck),he didn't hurt himself.
4 — Will Lily come to our party tomorrow?
—No.She said she ___(study)for a math test.
5 The bed is about two ___(meter) long.It's big enough for you.
6 You can see more and more tall__(nuild)in big cities.
7 On the last day ,he made a big ___(decide)to travel around the world alone.
8The ___(predict )said 2012 was the end of the world.
9 The trip to Fenghuang Mount was very ___(pleasant).I'll never go there again.
10 —It is ___(possible )for me to pass the exam.
—Everything is possible if you work hard.
11 We ___(play) games outside when it began to tain.
12 Work hard,and you ___(pass)this final exam.
13 There ___(be)a school trip this Saturday.
14 The young woman said the box____(be) too heavy for her.
15What __ they ___ (do)from 7:30to 9:00 yesterday evening?
16 —Where is Mrs Grown The manager __(look)for her everywhere.
—I ___(see)her in the librart just now.
17 When I got there ,they ___(have)a meeting.
18 David said he ___(go) skating the next day.
19If it __(rain )tomorrow ,we ___(not have )a picnic on the beach.
20 While Jim was doing his homework,his sister ____(sleep).
首字母填空:1 kitchen2 flied3 playgrongd4 earth5 argue6 copy7 park8 includes9 silence10 villiage用适当形式填空:1 an amazing2 rang3 Luckly4 was studying5 meters6 buildings7 decision8 prediction9 pleas...

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