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With China's rapid economic growth, China's real estate industry is experiencing unprecedented rapid growth. Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities since 2009 have ushered in the great bull market volume and price go. However, Meilin, Shenzhen, Futian District Area is located in the north, known as the "Fukuda's back garden" reputation, Mountain Area is rich in resources, and open-style upper and lower Merlin Park, Merlin Ecological Park, Merlin and other environmental advantages of litchi , Area mature, complete supporting facilities. And the next a village close to Merlin Merlin Area, close to Tong Long Hill, Merlin reservoirs geographical advantages, making the film densely populated areas. Therefore, the Merlin Area has great development potential and appreciation of space.
This paper first describes the real estate market overview, Shenzhen, analysis of real estate supply and demand. Shenzhen City real estate market by overall supply and demand situation analysis to understand the Merlin Area real estate is also potential for future development. At the same time, by analyzing the real estate industry understand the impact of government regulation, and analysis of the residential market as the focus of Merlin Area residential real estate analysis and forecasting, and development investment for developers, and provide the basis for consumer purchase decisions This real estate market efficiency and for improving the welfare of society as a whole to protect the real estate market and the community healthy and stable development of great significance.

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