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2013,7,29 mon sunny
Today,I want talk about “in summer camp”,what happened in the next day...
The second day,I moved to room 3407,but did not leave team n (they always call us team N,is actually a nuclear),because I think two teachers are very good.We also went to take part in the sports activities,(the original activity for two hours,but all of a sudden,it rained heavily.So we have to,the fifth day of class (do a lego building,see which team construction is the highest) have been exchanged.Originally today is playing (do parachute,behold a parachute team can fall to the ground,they did not let the balloon full of water) and the third day (do paper airplane and see which group of paper airplane to fly far) have been exchanged.But my favorite games to do a paper airplane,because it is very interesting,and can challenge the team cooperation ability.
Today is a good day too!
第一句话:Today I want (to) talk about the summer camp,and what happened in the next day.
最后一句:But my favorite game is to do a paper airplane.

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