早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



1) 在你的家庭中和你关系最密切的人是谁?这种密切的关系的具体表现是什么?
2) 说说这个人身上最让你喜欢和钦佩的品质。

Despite the fact that I love all my family members, I feel closer to my mother and she is always the one I count on. W assmates are in favour of the o failure, I never hesitate to turn to my mother for help and advice. She is such an amazing mother that she cheers me up even before I realize it. That’s why I feel relaxed and comfortable staying with her. Besides, she also knows how to help me discover my potential and have it fully developed.
It is hard to name all the good qualities of my mother, but the following ones are very noticeable. First, she is very optimistic, making people around her confident and cheerful. Second, her unconditional love for family members creates a very warm and harmonious atmosphere for everyone. Thirdly, she is very talented and hardworking,successful both as a housewife and a professional woman. Undoubtedly, she is greatly admired for these by us all.
No matter what we are, being a nice, encouraging and helpful person is the key to a close relationship with people we love.


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