早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


  Dear leaders:
  First of all thank you for your busy schedule to read my cover letter down, when you open the cover letter personally, it will be hard for me to review the past; when you finally close the cover letter, and perhaps turn the decision of my life a new journey.
  Like the hotel industry and consider themselves suitable for the industry, and therefore decided to engage in the industry. Careers to the occasion, It is with a sincere heart and the cause of the persistent pursuit of good faith, recommend themselves. I know a few sentences alone a complete outline himself and is not easy. Here, I just want to use the language of the most honest and pure as comprehensive as possible and introduce yourself to your organization to express the most sincere desire job. Sincere desire to be able to join your hotel for future building blocks of your hotel, your hotel is more willing to contribute their youth and wisdom.
  I know that in today's society, had plenty of theories is not enough, you need to apply the theory to practice, and hope in the international hotel guests from different local culture, so that guest satisfaction or surprise the process, find their own unique rich life!
  The past does not represent the future, the real meaning is hard, practical work I believe I can adapt quickly to the working environment, familiar with the business, and in practical work, learning, and constantly improve themselves and do their own work. I think you want is there!
  "Huai Yi Xing think fighting fear, For sun and the moon on the sky embrace."
  Ancient houses, this point has Bole, Bole Hui would like to take your eyes, the beginning of my thousand miles. Despite the many candidates, I may not be the best, but I still very confident. I will add strength to speak my heart, dedication to your organization!
  Thanks again for your reading and look forward to hearing from you!

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