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第三节 回答问题(共3小题;每小题2分,满分6分)


For Americans a mosquito bite is an itchy(使人发痒的) bother but for many in Africa a tiny bite can be deadly. One million people die each year of malaria a disease spread by infected mosquitoes. Most of these people live in Africa and are under age 5.

Malaria can be prevented and treated. However many African nations don’t have the funds to fight it. Nothing but Nets (NBN) hopes to change that. The United Nations Foundation created the campaign in 2006. The mission: Squash(压制) malaria by covering sleeping areas with nets. Hanging bed nets treated with insecticide(杀虫剂) is the simplest way to stop mosquitoes from biting at night. The chemical lasts four to five years. For $10 anyone can send a net to Africa and help save a life.

So far NBN has raised $19 million and delivered 700 000 nets to seven countries. Families are taught how to use the nets. Kids also get vaccines(疫苗) and vitamins. “Women line up for miles to get these interventions(干预措施) for their kids ” says NBN director Elizabeth McKee Gore. “They understand the importance.” So do kids in this country. “They get so excited thinking of ways to raise money ” says NBN spokesperson and basketball star Ruth Riley.

NBN’s biggest fund-raiser is Katherine Commale 7. She’s been spreading the buzz(嗡嗡声) about bed nets for the past two years. To show how they work she and her brother made a picture. “We teach that bed nets can save lives ” she told TFK.

Katherine has raised $42 000 for NBN. “She just wants those who need a net to have one ” says her mom Lynda. “It’s pretty simple to her.” To find out how you can help visit nothingbutnets.net .

Why can a tiny mosquito bite be deadly in Africa? (within 10 words)


59. List the ways to prevent malaria. (not more than 8 words)


60. Paraphrase(用英语重述) the underlined sentence. (not more than 12 words)


58. Because infected mosquitoes spread a disease called malaria there. //Because people may get infected with malaria (spread by mosquitoes). // Because people may be bitten by infected mosquitoes. 59. Using the nets getting vaccines and vitamins. 60. Kids in this country also understand (know) the importance of bed nets.

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