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Dear mom and dad,
I’m writing this to tell you how I feel. I think that society today is being too restrictive on its children, and there are many things I want to do that you would not allow me to. I want to spend my time helping people, and not just stay at home and study every day. After all, you have always taught me that it is important to have a heart of gold—so surely you can understand that I want to actually do something to help others.
I also hope that you could let me pick my own clothes. I am already in secondary school—surely this request isn’t such a big deal! After all, if you disapprove of my choices, you can also stop me from wearing or even buying what I pick. I’m sure we can come to an agreement. And I hope that you can let me punch my ears. I have always wanted earrings, and everyone wears them nowadays—some kids have them when they’re as young as eight! It is not something harmful, and I think I’m old enough to make these kinds of decisions myself.
Also, staying home at night is very boring—couldn’t you let me study with my friends? I can promise you that being with them won’t hurt my grades—it might even improve them, if I get help from my friends in the subjects I’m weak in. It would also be great if you would let me stay up till eleven on weekends. Eleven isn’t very late, and after all, if it’s not a school night, surely that’s not too much to ask for!
I don’t think any of these requests are too demanding or unreasonable—I’m not asking to be allowed to stay out all night, or get a tattoo. All I want is some freedom in my life. I’m already old enough to become more independent, and I hope that you will give me the chance to prove to you that I can be a reliable, rational teenager, and that you can trust me.

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