早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


2. 我要建议你请教你的老师.
3. 我的建议是你要多用英语阅读,通过多使用英语来提高英语水平.
4. 尽管我喜欢你谈到的从英语专业转到计算机专业想法,我有个建议你可能想考虑.
5 我建议你重新考虑换工作的想法.如你所知,由于糟糕的经济和金融环境,目前整个世界都在缩紧就业市场.
6. 我建议你上网查“好医生”,大量关于专家和医院的信息就出来了.上到你感兴趣的网页就能找到该医院和医生的信息.如果你想知道更多细节的话,你可以打电话联系他们.其实我就是这么给我的母亲找到好医生的.
1.My advice is that don't memorizing English words,but in this text to remember.By giving new words a background,it would be easier to remember the words.
2 I'd recommend you consult your teacher.
3.I suggest that you should use English reading,through multiple use English to improve your English.
4.Although I like you talked about from the English professional turned to computer professional idea,I have a suggestion you might want to consider.
5 I suggest you to consider changing jobs ideas.As you know,because of bad economic and financial environment,at present the whole world in tighten the job market.
6.I suggest you check the "good doctors",the wealth of experts and hospital information came out.Up to your interest in the web can find the hospitals and doctors of information.If you want to know more details,then you can call link to them.Actually,that's what I give my mother found a good doctor.
7.Want to leave a good impression to the interviewer,I suggest you pay attention to the following aspects:
1.Before the interview and ready to - as many collect relative information about the company.
2.Wear formal - you need to respect social etiquette,that is on formal occasions formal dress.
3.Listen:good questions to answer first to understand what the problem is.Moreover,in any social occasions,listener is always welcome.
4.To be honest - the interviewer during the interview know whether you speak honest,honesty is employers value employees a quality.

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