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求英语高手翻译小短文或者帮我修改一下用翻译器翻译的 意译就好 急!
United States is the world's largest industrial country, its greenhouse gas emissions to global 1/4, to achieve " Kyoto Protocol " provisions of the emission reduction targets can not shirk its obligations, the United States government refused to sign the protocol, the real effectiveness, to improve the human environment in the common interests of human being compromised, so that international environmental affairs greatly affected, but also make the United States of America 's international image greatly.
As everyone knows, the damage caused by greenhouse effect many. The earth is the common home of mankind, the United States refused to sign the " Kyoto Protocol " endanger the world, also endanger yourself.
So the United States should take the common human interests, actively participate in the improvement and protection of the environment, and abide by the " Kyoto Protocol " sign.
United States is the largest industrial country in the world, it contributs one forth of the global greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, ot is obliged to contribute to the reduction target set by " Kyoto Protocol " . The United States government refused to sign the protocol, which leads to the lesser effectiveness of the Protocal, and harms the common benefits of the human kind to improve the environmental conditions. It also affects the international environmental affairs and damanges the image of the United States of America.

It is well known that the the green house gas is harmful. The earth is the common home of mankind. The United States' refusal to sign the " Kyoto Protocol " endangers the world and also endangers itself.

So, the United States shall pay attention the interest of the human kind and actively envolved in improving the living environment of human kind and sign and observe the "Tokyo Protocal".


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