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关于:human beings the destroyer of nature.
我只需要 1.2.3 点 哪方面的破坏 只用5.6句话提到
and a conclusion 句
Over a hundred years ago,man invented the turbine engine wich runs on oil and gas.So for over more then a hundred years people have been polluting the streets,skies and seas with this toxic gasses (exhausts).We have the knowledge to invent cleaner engines and transportation vehicles wich go with it.Engines wich can run on hydrogen,electricity and even normal drinkwater.
Now this is what bothers me,
All those big corporations and oil syndicates like Shell,Esso,BP you name 'em don't want these engines/cars to reach the market,or if they do those are not affordable for 80% of the people,only because of the fact that when these vehicles become common,those companies become absolete and loose their profit.They buy out factories wich can make those vehicles,they influence the media so those (like me) are being laughed at when they speak their mind,they promote their turbine engines trough commercials wich are almost Utopic.
Millions of tons of oil waste are dumped into the oceans,millions of cars produce a toxic air and worst of all,they steal all of our Earth's blood.
We complain about illnesses,a bad airquality,earthquakes and filthy drinkwater but most of the people don't see (or don't wanna see) these are all caused by our ways of life,the cars we drive in,the factories wich produce all our luxury.
Do our children need to live on a planet on which they can hardly breath,drink nor play?
What are we doing?

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