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英语作文修改 目前,全区上下都在大力开展城乡清洁工程的活动.为了响应政府的号召0,3月25日,星期天,你们班参加了一次校外环境卫生清洁活动.
4,爱护环境 人人有责~~
Sunday, March 25 Fine
Today our class went out to do some cleaning. We gathered at the school gate and started out early in the morning. Some collected the rubbish in the park, some cleared the old posters off the walls, and others swept the street. We hoped to make our city more beautiful with our own hands. At the same time some of us went to the public places, where there were a lot of people. We kept on telling people not to destroy the beauty of nature so that we can have a cleaner world.
Some people have no aware of the importance of protecting the environment at present. They often make our surroundings dirty and ugly. I think such activities are necessary and instructive.
各位美女帅哥 帮我小改一下吧
Sunday, March 25 Fine
Today our class went out to do some cleaning as a respond to the government's calling. We gathered at the school gate and started out early in the morning. On arrival,some of us collected rubbish in the park, some cleared the old posters off the walls, and others swept the street. We has been hoping to make our city more beautiful with our own hands. At the same time some of us went to public places, where there were a lot of people. We kept on calling people not to destroy the beauty of nature so that we can have a cleaner world.
However,still some people are not aware of the importance of protecting the environment at present. They often make our surroundings dirty and ugly. From my point of view,all citizens are supposed to do something for the surroungings we are living in,so such activities are necessary and instructive,and I believe we will live a better life in the near future if we have the desire to complete the great project together!

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英语作文修改目前,全区上下都在大力开展城乡清洁工程的活动.为了响应政府的号召0,3月25日,星期天,  2020-11-21 …

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英语作文修改目前,全区上下都在大力开展城乡清洁工程的活动.为了响应政府的号召0,3月25日,星期天,  2020-11-21 …

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