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My favorite star
My favorite star is a girl called Li Yuchun, who is well received by so many people coming from all over the world.
In my eyes, she is a likely girl. As we know, she is always full of energy and confidence on the stage. With her great appeal, she immediately becomes a crazy fan of the majority of people.
On the other hand, we all think highly of what she has done for poor people. It’s clear to us that she has been helping poor children to go to school and blind people see the bright world again. What a kind girl she is! Not only is she our idol, but also our best teacher who we can learn something useful from.
The reason why I regard her as my idol is that she is diligent and always ready to help others. I hope that she can take on a new look and create more new songs.
看了 写自己最喜欢的电影明星的英语...的网友还看了以下:

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