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Once upon a time,there was a little boy,whose name was Mike.It was a sunday night,and he was watching TV at home alone.His parents and his grandparents were all out,so he was all by himself.
Suddently,Mike heard somebody was knocking the front door.He looked out through the peep hole,but saw nothing.He opened the door,no one was there."Maybe some guy is making fun of me,or maybe it was an illusion." So he came back to the TV.After a while,the door rangs again.As it was before,no one was there.Mike shouted out,"Don't do this again,it's not funny!" But as soon as he came back and sat in his sofa,the door rang again.This made him very angry,"Get lost!Go away",he shouted loudly.The same thing happened again and again all night.He hadn't slept all night long.
The morning after that night,when Mike went out his house,he found there were a couple of red hand-prints on his door,which were made of blood.

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