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Mine wastewater treatment is currently facing China's nonferrous metal mines environmental protection one of the major research topic.
In this study, Chenzhou City in Hunan Province polymetallic ore market Chuk Yuen 1000 t / d election plant wastewater treatment system for the study, in the previous study, based on the view of the current form Shizhuyuan processing wastewater treatment and the status quo and the use of the existing problems Research and design, from wastewater treatment process selection and design of wastewater treatment plant improvements. In the process of selection and improvement in the conduct of limestone and in the process and - with - the return process, the final design of wastewater treatment plant and improve the use of limestone in the process, and limestone in the process of improving and that the settlement, flocculation, clarification and sludge Five processing system processes, through various technical parameters of control, waste water discharge standards. The main characteristics of this process is:
Wastewater treatment system designed for unattended in the form of many small independent system. Waste water treatment process also involves the chemical reaction balance control, control system that is lagging sectors (such as the pH value of control) and thus to make the system stable operation of wastewater discharge standards and a lot of work to be done. According to the flow of waste water reactor calculated by adding the various chemicals, chemical treatment to normal. By adding a water tank in the final HC1 adjust pH of the water. When the water turbidity failed, to stop use of wastewater into the system, will be out of the water in the tank to fight back and in response to the pool, re-processing. To clarify the automatic discharge pond sludge. By clarifying concentrated pool of mud-detector measurement clarify the pool of sludge volume, the control system, according to achieve a high degree of sludge in the tank sludge to filter emission control.
Finally, from site selection, general layout, elevation layout of the main building, equipment and investment estimates for processing waste water treatment plant design.
Key words: processing wastewater; process; water, drainage, and in;

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