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这幅漫画表现了高校考研大军为备战研究生考试去图书馆占座位的情形,据中国日报报道,今年研究生报考人数突破 160 万人, 再创历史新高,请写一篇英语短文,试分析促使越来越多大学毕业生选择考研的原因。

注意: 1. 130 词左右,开头已给,不计入总词数。

2. 注意语言的得体性、准确性、和连贯性。

参考词汇: job seekers 求职者 ; professional skills 专业技能 ; fierce competition 激烈的竞争

It’s reported in China Daily that more than 1.6 million people took the post-graduate entrance exam this year reaching the highest record ever.



It’s reported in China Daily that more than 1.6 million people took the post-graduate entrance exam this year reaching the highest record ever. Why do so many college graduates prefer to get a higher degree? In my opinion it’s the huge job-hunting pressure that causes so many young people to take the post-graduate entrance exam.

As we know many companies set high standards and requirements for job seekers. A master’s degree is often a must when they advertise for new employees which means fresh college graduates cannot find a good job. As a result in order to broaden horizons and learn more professional skills more and more young people choose to stay on campus for further education. They believe taking a post-graduate course is a good way to enrich their knowledge and make themselves better equipped for a promising future. In other words they hope to look for a better-paid job in a competitive society with a higher degree.


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