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如题学习一门外语最有效方法 的英语作文不少于80个单词意思尽量简单初三学生的水准~小女子就此谢过急求!
In my opinion, learning a foreign language needs perseverance. As we know, when we learn a foreign language, we may come across many troubles which may be unconquerable to many of us; therefore, faced with difficulty, many of us get cold feet. However, if we insist on what we are doing and never give up, however diffult the problems are, we can overcome them.
Besides, I also think belief is of great importance. Belief in ourselves can help grow energy and courage which can lead to our ability to solve problems. Whenever meeting the complicated questions, just tell yourself you can do it, only if you don't give up.
Last but not least, never be afraid of failure. As the old saying goes, failure is the mother of success. Sometimes when we know what we cannot do well, we can do it better next time. To some extent, failure is the force that drives us to the way of success.
All in all, those are some basic rules when you are learning a foreign language. If we refer to the details of studying it, then there will be more points.
If you are a student at school, I believe your English teacher has already told you many ways. In fact, never consider what she or he has told you nonsense or rubbish, on the contrary, what they talk about is wisdom which should be made good use of. And if you do exactly what you are told, you should get a comparative good score.
Then if you are not a student at school, I think the best way for you to learn a foreign language is to listen to songs, watch Tv programmes or even see movies in foreign language. At the same time, a dictionary is quite useful to you, for whenever you meet difficulty, you can consult it, in which way you can gain much.
Believe it or not, you can have a try at least if you have tried many other ways without apparent progress.再没短的了!

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