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是这样的,我 公司是做外贸的,我们上星期发一批货物去越南海防港口,结果用的是家新的船公司,他们把我们的货物在越南西贡港口转船去海防港口,本着好意是想告诉我们越南的客户,说货物已经在越南西贡了,过不了多久就会去到海防港口,到时会通知客人提货.结果他们的表述错误 ,让我们的客人以为,货物在西贡港口,让他们去提货,这让客人很生气,说为什么是西贡港口提货而不是海防港口?所以他们现在要我们写份声明给他们,解释这是为什么,我从来没有写过这样的声明,所以请教高手帮忙! 我想翻译的大致内容如下: 亲爱的 客人: 您好!关于7月30号发海防港口的货物到达西贡并通知贵司去提货一事,我非常抱歉的向您说声对不起.因为我们换了一家新的船务代理公司,货物只是在西贡转运,之后会最终到达海防港口,本来船务公司只是想告知贵司说货物会在西贡转船,等货物到达海防港口后会通知贵司提货,可是因为船务公司人员的表达错误,让您误会说货物将到达西贡港口并让您提货.我们的错误表达给您造成的不便,我们深感歉意,在此向您郑重的道歉,船公司对此也对相应的人员做出了处罚,希望您能谅解,也希望我们的合作关系可以更近一步.
Dear guests:Hello!on July 30,issued to Hai Phong port cargo arrives at the Saigon and notify your company to take delivery of a thing,I am very sorry .Because we had a new shipping agents,freight transport only in Sai Kung,will eventually reach the coast after the port,shipping companies just want to inform you that the goods will be transferred in Sai Kung,after arriving at the port of Haiphong will inform your delivery,but because the shipping companies ' expression errors,mistaking you the goods will arrive at the port of the Saigon and lets you take delivery.We give you the error expression of the inconvenience,we are deeply sorry to you solemnly apologize,shipping companies,also on appropriate personnel to make the punishment,we hope you will understand,but also hope that our partnership can be a step closer.