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Back in the past year,we are full of success,it is because we not only successfully withstood a "SARS" test,and the in teaching,scientific research,and management in both achieved gratifying achievements.Our school achievement win 11 2003 annual national awards for science,so that our school won the national science and technology prize total to 308 items.Special happy,it is in DuoNian,our school again after the national scientific and technological progress first prize.These achievements made,and reflects our is a solid to a world class university this struggle,which suggests that we goal to achieve this goal out the strategy is right.These achievements made and we adhere to improve the quality of the training center of gravity as; And we actively introduction and training of the large quantities of outstanding talented people; And we actively to promote the system reform,and promote the innovation of science and technology,and teaching,be not divided.These achievements have also depends on the strong support of the community,especially the alumni's encouragement and help.
For decades,the tsinghua university alumni at home and abroad in all walks of conscientious,innovation,hard work,achievements,especially a large number of alumni in the education scientific research department,key enterprise,national defense unit and the government agencies have the important work,become academic masters,industrial talents and governing the country and society beams made a contribution for tsinghua people achieved honor.For your Alma mater feel very proud and proud!Although alumni left the campus,but always remember that youth time and passion burning years.Deep alcohol,long's Alma mater,the complex at home and abroad "tsinghua people" in the same boat.I hope alumni "often home" to see if tsinghua new changes.I sincerely wish the alumni keep firmly in mind "self-discipline and social commitment" school motto,carry forward "patriotic devotion,the pursuit of excellence" and the spirit of "doing is better than saying" school spirit,in their life journey kept the creation of new performance.
Looking to the future,we are faced with the challenge of times,and the common shoulder the tsinghua into a world-class university holy mission,shoulder heavy responsibilities.Achievement only shows that in the past,and the world first-class university development goals,we compared in many ways there are still some shortage.Eager to the alumni continue to care about and support the development of the Alma mater,let all "tsinghua people" more closely together,in a concerted effort to strive hard,in our school towards a world class university is in the process of write a new chapter in the good!

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