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英国有句谚语:结识新朋友,不忘老朋友,老朋友是金,新朋友是银。中国自古亦有 “有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”等描绘朋友间友情的名句。你在学习中一定结识了许多朋友,并结下了深厚的友谊,他们也曾经给你很多帮助。请以“ My Best Friend ”为话题写一篇短文,要求结构完成、语言流畅、语法准确、合乎逻辑,不少于 80 词。




My Best Friend

I have many friends . Among them Ann is my best friend .

Ann is kind and honest . She was my neighbor . We played and studied together every day . When I was in trouble she gave me a hand; when I was upset she gave me encouragement; when I made a mistake she told me the way to correct it .
She gave me a lot of help . She shared not only happiness but also sadness with me . Thanks to her I made great progress in many ways . However she moved to Shanghai last year . Now we can only keep in touch by phone or through the Internet . I miss her very much .

As the saying goes “Make new friends but keep the old ones . ” I think a true friend plays an important role in our life .