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2楼的 我拿给我们老师看了,你翻译的不行.求电子专业的 专业人事给翻译下 .
With the social and economic development,urban transport problems are becoming increasingly a cause for concern.Of passengers,vehicles and the relationship between the way the coordination of traffic management has become an important need to address one of the issues.Urban traffic control system is used for urban traffic data monitoring,traffic signal control and traffic management computer system,it is the modern urban traffic control system command and the most important component.
Traffic lights is a safety product categories,is to enhance road traffic management and reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents and enhance road use efficiency and improve the traffic conditions of an important tool.Applicable to cross,such as T-intersection,from road traffic signal control machine control,guidance of vehicles and pedestrian traffic safety in an orderly manner.
This paper introduced the basic knowledge of SCM,the study of traffic signal control design,the realization of a traffic signal hardware design,including the system power,the time display circuit,the smallest system,the traffic light circuit diagram,such as digital control.Finally,the system flow chart diagram and procedures.The eventual realization of a traffic signal control and research.

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英语翻译随着社会经济的发展,城市交通问题越来越引起人们的关注.人、车、路三者关系的协调,已成为交通管  2020-11-01 …

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